Richard John Neuhaus was a Catholic priest and a man who spent every day of his life thinking about theological issues. He should have been copiously … [Read more...]
My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman
Christian Wiman is a poet who was raised as a Baptist in a West Texas town. He later left behind his town for the East Coast and his faith for … [Read more...]
As I Lay Dying by Richard John Neuhaus
Neuhaus was suddenly struck with a life-threatening illness that could have killed him in days. He recovered and got to do what many others in that … [Read more...]
C. S. Lewis: A Biography by A. N. Wilson
Wilson does not seem to share his subject's views of Jesus, but he writes an interesting story and brings a perspective on Lewis you won't find … [Read more...]
Witness by Whittaker Chambers
This is a profoundly moving book about a man coming to realize that the ideology he has dedicated his life to is a fraud and is exceedingly evil. But … [Read more...]